UCD CDF Group > RunIIB Silicon Upgrade > RunIIB Rad tests
Last updated on 11:13 pm Mon, Jan 20, 2003

UCD CDF Run IIB Radiation Tests

UC Davis McClellan Nuclear Radiation Center (MNRC)

UC Davis has access to the MNRC facilities for neutron irradiation.

Here is some information plus pictures taken in connection with sensor irradiation on September 26-27, 2002 (click on pictures to enlarge).

Above: Kevin Kiger, MNRC Reactor Manager, with the NIF irradiation vessel. The vessel is lowered into the reactor by the attached tube. A hexagonal array of plates is attached to the underside of the lid. The lid is attached to the aluminum "can" by titanium bolts. There is an o-ring seal. The can is pressurized before placing it in the reactor.
Above: Side and end views of the hexagonal support structure attached to the irradiation vessel lid. The mounting plates are 3.5 inches wide by 4 inches long (can internal dimensions: 9 in dia. by 10 in depth). The sensors, protected by kapton foil and cardboard sheets and placed in envelopes, were attached to the outside of the structure with the aluminum straps shown.
Below: Area above the reactor vessel (a tank filled with water). The irradiation vessel is lowered on rods through the gap in the gratings on the right rear.
Below: Looking into the reactor core from a vantage point next to the gap in the grating where the irradiation vessel is lowered. The shelding into which the irradiation vessel is inserted is indicated in the lower center of the picture. The vessel is rotated on a vertical axis during irradiation to achieve an even dose.